CLUE: LIVE ON STAGE play review

“I. Am. Your singing telegram (POW!)” here to tell you that you do not want to miss the hilarious hijinks of CLUE: Live on Stage! It successfully channels the film whilst crafting a new experience. And yes, all the iconic, quotable lines and slapstick moments are in the show!! It’s a laugh out loud riot that will uplift the human spirit!

Playing the Straz Center in Tampa now through June 2nd.

Designed for fans of the cult classic, complete with all the camp, but can still be appreciated by all! This stage adaptation of the beloved star-studded film owes its success to the playwriting that retained the soul and memorable moments of the film yet injected new dialogue, scenes, comedic irony, and physical comedy that together craft a familiar yet fresh experience. From the moment the play opens with the original theme music, you know that you will be in for an uplifting time at the theatre. Some stage adaptations of films neglect to include so much of what makes their respective film source beloved, such as the score, quotable lines, or slapstick humor; not true with CLUE. This is one of the best stage adaptations of a film that I have ever witnessed.

One of the subtle strengths of the playwriting is the inclusion of some meta humor such as characters carrying around the original board game detective notepads and even the game board. Other elements that elevate the meta humor of the play include musical cues and slight fourth wall breaking as if to nod to the audience that “we know you know.” The stage design is fantastic! Every inch of space is used efficiently and effectively to achieve the feeling of a vast mansion on a single stage. Furthermore, the design retains that beautifully gothic atmosphere that we associate with the iconic board game and campy film.

With such great cast/character chemistry in the film, I was curious if this adaptation would be able to capture even half of the magic. It pleases me to report that the cast’s chemistry is fantastic! And while they certainly recreate notable moments from the film, each of them puts their own spin on the expression of those moments. From “Let us out, let us out; let us in, let us in” to “Fla, fla, flames, flames on the side of my face” to “I. Am. Your singing telegram,” all those memorable moments are part of the stage production!

And if you were curious if the multiple endings from the film are included, that they are! But, the solution(s) are different than the film, so don’t think that you have it figured out. Even this faithful adaptation throws curve balls that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

I had such an incredibly enjoyable time with this play, and I know you will too. CLUE: Live on Stage is currently touring the country, so look for a showing near you! CLUE is playing the Straz Center in Tampa now through June 2nd, but checkout the CLUE website for when it will be touring in your area.

Ryan teaches Film Studies and Screenwriting at the University of Tampa and is a member of the Critics Association of Central Florida and Indie Film Critics of America. If you like this article, check out the others and FOLLOW this blog! Interested in Ryan making a guest appearance on your podcast or contributing to your website? Send him a DM on Twitter. If you’re ever in Tampa or Orlando, feel free to catch a movie with him.

Follow him on Twitter: RLTerry1 and LetterBoxd: RLTerry